Single Mother of Twins: How to Keep Your Passion Alive

Single Mother of Twins: How to Keep Your Passion Alive

For this special Mothers Day edition of the Weekly we have a video interview that goes into the practical aspects of the fusion principle. My friend Kyla is a single mother of twins, chef for a household of eight, an accomplished artist (check her work at, and apparently she can even fix your car if you are in the area. It’s a long interview and I will work on writing up a consolidated transcript, but we covered a lot of ground and it is worth checking out if you are interested in how to follow your dreams in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges – by establishing a loving…

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My Dissertations on Dissipation: What I Do for Fun Part 2

My Dissertations on Dissipation: What I Do for Fun Part 2

I spend most of my time eating, sleeping and working. Intuitively I know there is more to life than this, but this is the current level of my consciousness – thoroughly blue belt. But it is fun, this cycle of life that achieves the dissipation of the sun’s energy but also pushes us forward into new and interesting realms and experiences. Somewhat synchronystically, the same week I chose to write a discourse on our dissipation through work, I participated in an enormously dissipative event – the Tokyo Eco Slow Marathon in Chiba, an hour outside of Tokyo. My good mate A-town and I jogged, walked and flowed a full marathon…

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Sharing the Love: Fuji Time Lapse, #DarkMatter, Tokyo Bed and Art

Sharing the Love: Fuji Time Lapse, #DarkMatter, Tokyo Bed and Art

Last week we found that the true universal meaning of Love is that which the Greeks called agape – a force in nature that expands knowledge and consciousness in the Universe. This is ultimately what these pages are about – helping to expand my and others’ knowledge through creative acts and through sharing in what I have learned or am in the process of learning. But the work of one person, while important, pales in comparison to what we can achieve as a community – and so it is a fitting time to share the work of some of my associates, with the hope that more people get involved in…

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What is Love?

What is Love?

In a departure from my typical criticisms of Western holidays – more accurately, “holey days”, bereft of value and meaning – today I want to take a look at what Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about: Love. We can all agree that love is a nice word – we want love, we want to love. But what is love? Most would be hard pressed to narrow down a single, all-encompassing definition. After some digging and contemplation on the concept, I feel I have a satisfactory answer. The English language is part of the problem – we have one word that can express so many different degrees of emotion –…

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The Meaning of Vacation

The Meaning of Vacation

As mentioned last week, I wasn’t quite in the mood for a full vacation, so I brought some work with me – my dancing feet and video camera. I’ve been contemplating shooting video versions of the Weekly for some time now but have been holding off due to the extra time investment it would require. Above is a trial but is something I will potentially pick up once I’ve built a foundation in my Farmers Market work and wrapped up some other projects. This week I thought it fitting to discuss the concept of vacation and how we have lost touch with its ultimate goal in the modern world. That…

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How to Go on Vacation

How to Go on Vacation

“Fishing on R&R… But you’re feeling fit, ready for duty?” “Yes general, very much so sir.” Greetings everyone from sunny Philippines, where I have been dragged kicking and screaming away from the frigid Tokyo winter to attend a tropical wedding (always a wedding). Since leaving the standard workforce I have been on a number of vacations. Some have been of the modern worker (especially Japanese) variety, whereby the body simply shuts down in response to a combination of excessive work and lack of sleep. Others have been weddings, where I don’t need or want the vacation, but I have to take time off to maintain a semblance of a standing…

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