I don’t mean to rain on everyone’s turkey feasting parades. OK I sort of do – it’s a typically American holiday built around frivolous consumption disguised as giving and gratitude. And don’t forget, Christmas is right around the corner! We need to make giving and gratitude a part of our daily experience and not rely on culturally accepted institutions as convenient times to express these, just my two cents.
Alright, now that I’ve grinched everyone out, I’ll admit that I indulged in TWO separate tgiving festivities, and I think I made the most of them (see above). Contrary to the normal concept of the holidays as a time to relax in a comfortable setting, this is a time that presents some useful opportunities to do things that scare us – toasts, public dance offs, and the like. So forget about corporate consumerism – make this holiday season a production!
I spent the rest of the week touching up “Flipper Girl” and prepping for my biggest video project yet – an introduction to the centerpiece of my weekly cooking, the Ginza Farmers Market, and an interview series “Meet the Farmers”. For those interested in heckling or helping out, feel free to contact – we are slated to shoot this Saturday, Dec 6, woohoo!

Sunday, Nov 23:
Monday, Nov 24: paneer masala with basmati rice, delicious (recipe)
Tuesday, Nov 25: bento from my one and only – salad with boiled egg, cottage cheese and toasted pumpernickel, and basmati rice with butternut squash sauce (recipe)
Wednesday, Nov 26:
Thursday, Nov 27: stir fry kale over basmati makeshift lunch
Friday, Nov 28: winter kale stir fry from Thug Kitchen, money (recipe)
Saturday, Nov 29: special Heirinji bento from my Ashtanga friend, a lovely mix of boiled spinach, kinpira, different cakes, and fish, garnished with autumn leaves from Heirinji
On tap for this week: palak paneer, something with cauliflower, makeshift meals due to concentrating on the Ginza Farmers production
Personal production: final stages of “My Little Flipper Girl”, Ginza Farmers Market video shoot slated for Dec 6, put “Stir to Sleep” on hold to work on other projects.
YouTube inspiration: Why Poverty – Welcome to the World, Can We Auto-Correct Humanity
Current listening:
Podcasts: What On Earth is Happening #46-48 (subversive symbolism)
During the course of every practice I thank someone or something in my life. Here is a selection from this week’s yogic prayers of gratitude:
Thank you Leaves, for the air you give us, for the peace you give us. Thank you for showing us how to change beautifully. May we learn from you, and be instruments of peace and positive change in this world. Namaste.
No time again for the market this week. I notice on a quick look that the USD has continued to rise and commodities have gotten shellacked. This is probably a good time to convert some dollars into commodities, and I am looking again at selling puts on silver.