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I teach at Dream Kids, Mysore Tokyo, and iBEC. If you live in Tokyo and are interested in learning yoga in the Ashtanga tradition, check out Mysore Tokyo. If you want to learn something else, or need a professional in any number of areas, check out Zehitomo.
Most of my teaching energy goes toward kids – the brightest stars in our future – and I am particularly interested in the second language problem in Japan. One thing I would like to see is for teaching materials to be freely and widely available, and for that purpose I established PictureLyrics – check it out and contribute!
If you or your child would like to learn something directly from me, I teach English, music and yoga at Dream Kids school in Minami Aoyama Tuesday to Friday. Check out my lesson offerings here.
For creative work and other side projects you can visit my YouTube and SoundCloud pages.